
Public: Synoptic Surface Water Hydrology Report 2020-2021 for Orange-Senqu Basin

April 2022,

For the Orange-Senqu Basin, the Synoptic Surface Water Report on the hydrological year 2020-2021 that AquaLinks produced for ORASECOM is out. Cyclone Eloise had a big influence. The report was prepared by Marieke de Groen and Mankoe Raliengoane, with inputs of the ORASECOM Surface Water Hydrological Committee members and their colleagues in the four Member States. The project also delivered Word and Excel-templates for them to produce a similar report next year themselves. Soon to be uploaded on ORASECOM website. Drop an email to or if you would like a copy, or via Linkedin link.

(Photo credits Wikimedia commons: Brian Ralphs (Nosob river), Damien du Toit (Orange River South Africa), SkyPixels (Fish River), Lschefa (Senqu River, Lesotho))

Starting: Capacity building on water resources modelling of Orange-Senqu Basin

March 2022

ORASECOM has awarded the contract for “Services to facilitate water resources modelling and capacity building for ORASECOM Member States” to AquaLinks! We will start the project this month with in our team Marieke de Groen (AquaLinks), Washington Nyabeze (WRNA), Allan Bailey (Bailey and Pitman Water Resources) and Mankoe Raliengoane (subcontractor). The project continues until July 2024.

Celebrating: Cheers to 5 years!

February 2022

AquaLinks has survived the first 5 years and has celebrated with those who managed to get through the rain storm (very appropriate).

No zoom, real-life celebrations! Live music by Zweli Mäth.

Starting: Oranqe-Senqu Synoptic Surface Water Report

September 2021

AquaLinks has started with a project to assist the international Orange-Senqu River Commission (ORASECOM) with the compilation of a synoptic surface water report. The Surface Water Hydrology Committee intends to compile such a report every year going forward to inform the stakeholders and the general public of the surface water situation in the river basin parts in Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa.

Ideas and inputs always welcome. Please send to me or my colleague on this project Mankoe Raliengoane!

Done: SADC Hydromet Forum 2021

June 2021

As team leader of the SADC World Bank project ‘Stocktaking of weather, water and climate services in Southern Africa’, Marieke presented in the session on status of Hydromet Services. She also was part of the World Bank coordinated organization committee of the forum, together with team members of Royal HaskoningDHV. Recordings are available via the website.

Done: Understanding Risk 2020 & WISA Conference

December 2020

Two conference presentations in one week:

Panel member in ‘Drawing a regional picture of hydromet and early warning services in Africa’ for the World Bank project ‘Stocktaking of climate, weather and water services in Southern Africa’ under RHDHV and

Co-author of presentation by Stuart Dunsmore for the WISA conference ‘Sustainable Drainage in Gauteng: Possibilities and Barriers for Implementation’.

This digital conferencing does keep us behind our computers, and gives less after talk, but DONE before the end of 2020.


Started: Strengthening Early Warning and Hydromet Services in Southern Africa

May 2020

(Cyclone Idai. Source: MeteoSat-11/EU METSAT)

AquaLinks has started on the project ‘stocktaking of climate, weather and water services in Southern Africa’ for World Bank for the whole of SADC.  AquaLinks is subcontractor of Royal HaskoningDHV, and fulfills the roles of Teamleader (Marieke de Groen) and Reviewer (subcontractor Brad Garanganga). Weather Impact is also part of the consortium.

For further information, see the link on the Royal HaskoningDHV website.